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calm fun parenting

Do you want to swap stress, overwhelm and chaos for calm, confidence, and fun?

Find out how to avoid tantrums, prevent power struggles, and set boundaries without yelling or nagging.



Helping you find the balance in your life, every day.

The early years can be tough. But they don't have to be. You CAN make the change from getting angry, frustrated and losing patience with your kids - to staying calm. You CAN avoid tantrums, prevent power struggles and find time for yourself, all without breaking your child's spirit or making them feel ashamed. And these changes don't have to be huge or time-consuming.

Dr Lee Nolan-Lönn, PhD helps parents of kids under 10 set healthy boundaries, stay calm when faced with parenting challenges, and have more fun with their kids. Her program From Frustration to Fun: parent small kids more effectively, has made huge changes to the lives of many parents from all over the world.  

I can now get my kids out of the house most mornings without nagging or yelling or experiencing meltdowns. That alone has saved my sanity and I'm a more fun person to be around.


Lee’s help has taken a lot of the pressure off of having to find all the solutions on our own and it's been so much more efficient... saving us sleep, stress and chaos. Thank you Lee!!


Are you stressed and overwhelmed?

Do you ever feel like you're working as hard as you possibly can, yet you're not meeting anyone's needs? Being in the middle of a stressful cycle of despair can be difficult to break because: 

  • You don't have the energy for having fun

  • You lose patience too quickly

  • You often get angry

  • You feel like you're failing as a parent

  • You have tried everything, but nothing works

  • You don't know how to find a good work-life balance

  • You want to hide when the chaos gets too much

Never think you are failing! You just haven't found the right tools yet. Do you rely on conflicting information from friends, family and Dr Google? Some of it might help, sometimes. But chances are it's not giving you the results you want.

Instead, why not rapidly achieve great results with a parenting solution based on years of scientific research?

You will save yourself time and so much frustration by learning the proven method to shorten the duration and reduce the number of your child's tantrums. 

The benefits of making changes NOW with kids under 10

While each age has its own challenges, the skills you learn now will help you avoid future problems when your child gets older and has bigger problems to deal with. Creating a great foundation now means your kids will want to continue discussing their problems with you as they get older.

Lee's parenting method is rooted in her scientific research background. After the birth of her first child, her interests turned to how children develop cognitively and emotionally, and how parenting style can affect that development. 

So give us a call. We are here to help you overcome chaos, find calm, and put fun into your parenting.


More on our parenting method

OMG! We have gone from complete

defiance to mostly cooperation! And I feel like I understand (my daughter) so much better so that has reduced my stress a lot.


You are really standing in for a lot of family wisdom... and to be fair, your wisdom is way better... evidence based and not based on yelling or a patriarchal approach.


Why did I start Calm, fun parenting?

When I realised my first born was a high needs baby, I was at a complete loss of what to do without making her (and I) feel bad. I had grown up with authoritarian parents, feeling guilt, shame and never good enough - and I didn’t want that for my daughter. So I started to research a little, but at that time there wasn't a lot of literature on high needs babies. A year or so later when she was a toddler and clearly a strong-willed, or ‘spirited’ child with several meltdowns a day, I knew I had to find a better way to parent her.

I started to research everything I could. I looked at scientific studies, read hundreds of books and articles, went back to my neuroscience books on the developing brain, and talked to other mothers who had spirited kids. I worked out how to prevent her from getting overwhelmed, avoid tantrums and meltdowns and create a wonderful relationship based on mutual respect.

And I want to share that. I want to help parents of small kids, spirited or not, to not feel stressed or feel like they’re failing. And I want kids to be happy and know they’re enough just the way they are. Especially just the way they are.

© Calm fun parenting 2022

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